
140 Heavy Truck Gear


140 heavy truck gear is an important part of modern mechanical transmission, which is widely used in various mechanical equipment. According to statistics, in a variety of mechanical failures, the failure of 140 heavy truck gear generally occurs in the tooth surface, and rarely occurs in other parts. The following is an introduction to the common failure forms of 140 heavy truck gear:

1, pitting :140 heavy truck gear surface fatigue failure

2, peeling :140 heavy card gear has a large piece off - this is the final form of pitting

3, scratches: metal is transferred from one surface to another surface, due to poor gear processing or lubrication failure

4, abrasive wear/wear out grooves

5. The tooth is scratched along the sliding direction

6. The tooth of the wheel is broken

7, serious damage caused by a variety of reasons

ADD:Zhejiang Wuyi Cultural and Educational Tourism Industrial Park
Contact:Miss Xu
Contact:Mr. Xu
Fax: 0086-579-87402822
E-mail: zjjcxy1990@163.com